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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Part 7 : How to create Cursor PostgreSQL

Cursor :

Cursor is temporary memory it is allocated  by database server when we are perform DML operation and  Cursor is a behave like pointer so it can jump particular and one by one scan row.

Task : write cursor find IT department and print one by one
declare c1 cursor for select * from employee ;
r1 record;
open c1;
fetch c1 into r1;  exit when not found;
if r1.job ='IT' then
raise notice '% % % % %',r1.empcode,r1.empfname,r1.job,r1.salary,r1.salary+500;
end if;
end loop;
close c1;
NOTICE: 9999 Tarun IT 8900 9400 NOTICE: 9956 MARK IT 4400 4900 NOTICE: 9957 Jone IT 4400 4900 DO

Now using loop in cursor

Example :Cursor Salary update according Department.

Example :Cursor update email id according Department.

Example : If else with loop in cursor

Example :- How to create cursor for insert first row and last row from table 

If else statement with loop in cursor

Fetch Prior :
is retrieve data before pointer of curser 

Q:- Increment salary according to Department .
declare  c1 cursor for  select * from employee ; 
r1 record ; g int;
open c1;
fetch c1 into r1; exit when not found;
if r1.job='PRESIDENT'  then g:='3000' ;
elsif r1.job='ANAYLYST' then g:='2500' ;
elsif r1.job='ANALYST' then g:='2000' ;
elsif r1.job='SOFTWARE ENGINEER' then g:='1500' ;
elsif r1.job='MANAGER' then g:='1000' ;
elsif r1.job='SALESMAN' then g:='500' ;
elsif r1.job='IT' then g:='4000' ;
end if;
update employee set salary=r1.salary + g where job =r1.job;
              -- raise notice '% % % % %',r1.empcode,r1.empfname,r1.job,r1.salary,r1.salary + g;
end loop;
close c1;
-- select * from employee

Fetch Absolute : Suppose if you want to fetch particular row from table you have to fetch absolute  

fetch next => it is used for Print next row. 
fetch relative => calculate row no and go to move after position. 
fetch relative -2  

fetch next => it is used for Print next row. 
fetch relative => calculate row no and go to move after position. 
fetch relative -2  

Move keyword : it can move cursor particular row so we can use it
Move first from c1 ;                                               This line point the cursor first row 
fetch next from c1 into r1;                                     next is print second line


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