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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Chapter 2 : install & configure ansible server nodes for manage inventory

 Setup Prerequisites

 Master server :-  server for Ansible Control Node
 Client Server :-  IP: and

Step 1:- Install Ansible on Ubuntu on Master server

Choose the following methods for installing Ansible.
1. Using Pip

If you have python-pip installed in your system, use the following pip command.

[master@node ~]$sudo pip install ansible

2. Using Ubuntu apt repository

To install it from the apt repository, execute the following commands to install ansible.

[master@node ~]$sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible 

[master@node ~]$sudo apt-get update

[master@node ~]$sudo apt-get install -y ansible

To validate the installation, execute the following ansible command.

[master@node ~]$ansible --version

Configuring Ansible Inventory

 All the servers that have to be managed using Ansible are called Ansible hosts.
Configure ansible.cfg

Open /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg  file and add the following.

[master@node ~]$vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

inventory = /etc/ansible/inventory.ini
host_key_checking = False

Configure Ansible Inventory :

[master@node ~]$vi /etc/ansible/inventory.ini


Step 3 :Test Remote Connection Using Ansible Ad-Hoc 

[master@node ~]$ansible all -m ping | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Note : Check confiured inventory list using the following command.

[master@node]#ansible-inventory --list -y

Click chapter 3: Performing Ad Hoc Commands with Ansible  

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